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Luther's GM app

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1Luther's GM app Empty Luther's GM app Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:24 pm



Name:Ryan taylor




Talk about yourself, Any special skills or stuff you could do for the server or outside of your real life?: Firstly, I am very good at football (English football, Not rugby) I like to play on my playstation 3, Go to the cinema or the Arndale (English Mall) with my friend's And just chill out.

How are you and staff members are going to work together and improve the server?: Me and all the gm's of this server get along well, So i think that would be very good, But i just don't really think this server need's improving, It's perfect already.

What if we caught you red-handed giving out of items for no justified reason(s)?: Well, If i'm caught, then i'm caught, No point denying it, If i was to be banned then i wouldn't try and say i didn't do it. If i would be de-moted, Then, My fault.

What is the reason,why you want to become on this server and not others?: I really like this server and EVERYONE in it, And it would be good if i became a GM.

What views do you have towards the job of GM?: A gm has to be very loyal to his superior's and to not abuse his power's.

GM Experience: ToystoryMS, v.72 ( I quit.)

How active are you in Game?: I'll be on whenever the server is up, ( But not ALL the time because of school, and i only have the server downloaded on 1 laptop.)

How long have you been with InspiredMS?: I'd say about 2 month's now.

Last Words: Hopefully You will choose me, Thank you for your time!

Strongly Recommended!
1. Get To Know The Community.
2. Be Here For At Least A Week.
3. Have At Least 5 Decent Posts On The Forum.
4. If 1 Person Does Not Recommend You Then Your Denied.
5. Be Nice To The Community.
6. Don't Beg GM's For Stuff.
7. Good Grammar.
8. Don't be a suck up.

2Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:35 pm



You need more details in your app. Follow the GM format too.

3Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:09 pm



Excuse me.. But who are you?

4Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:24 pm



Just a stranger that wants to help.

5Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:01 pm



Doesn't matter who it is.
He wants to help you. That's all that matters Very Happy

6Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:01 pm



this is the new format, mikeypsftws.

7Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:58 pm



Sorry. Didn't see that Arnold edited the format.

8Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:51 am



Luther, just to say. Anyone is able to comment or try to help some one improve their application it isn't only GM's/ staff. This makes the application system more stable.

9Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:53 pm



Oh... Well i didn't mean to offend you, If so then i'm sorry Smile

10Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:14 pm



It's fine. I'm just trying to help you.

11Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:45 pm



TY Very Happy

12Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:05 pm



Ohhh this new format now?? Soo short o.o lol.. Anyways, uhm needs more detail like mikey said. Since the format is so short now... ~

13Luther's GM app Empty Re: Luther's GM app Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:42 am



k, I'll try working on that, Thx for your help! <3

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