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Jin's 100 sorrows app...

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1Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Jin's 100 sorrows app... Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:34 pm



Name: My name is Jin...
IGN: My in-game name is Jin....
Email: My email is or, I dont use the
Age: I'm turning 15 on July 8th...
Timezone: I live in a GMT -5 timezone...

Talk about yourself, Any special skills or stuff you could do for the server or outside of your real life?:
My name is Jin, or Ray... Ray is my english name but I prefer Jin. I have a mental disorder where there's another person in me... soo called the devil Jin... I have OCD, and a very sensitive person... Just to explain what has happened a few days ago with Hop3... Is that, does anyone know the black out u get after u drink a lot of alcohol(which I've never done).. Well that happens to me whenever this "devil" comes out and ruins everything and I don't know what just happened. Soo, if you see any abnormal reactions from me, please tell me... Anyways my special skills are coding/scripting and wz.editing that could happen for this server. on the other hand, my skills outside are playing the Bass Guitar, and I'm a pro golfer who won 4metals... Golfing is boring to watch but actually fun to play.(and yes, golf is a sport...). I have made this app to show my sorrow, and wish to get back to coding... It was a great job for me, and i really enjoyed it...

How are you and staff members are going to work together and improve the server?:
Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to get a long with the staffs now, because of what I've done... But I am trying to act as the Jin who was way b4 all this crap happened. I don't want anymore drama(agreed?), I want to stay in this server and enjoy myself with everyone, without me; myself going crazy. Arnold, I like how u wz.edited the fm map, and I wish to add more npcs or even customize it to your likings. As again... I'm sorry for my behavior, and I know none of you guys probably trust me anymore.. So I guess I have to earn that trust back from fixing all the problems I have made. From my char hop3, I have met a few hackers I wish i could ban, but didn't have the power to, well I guess I should've informed the GM, but none was online. I wish to make the server a better place with no more drama, and if drama happens, I won't say a word. If I do, you have the rights to tell me to STFU, or w/e... I'll just back off.
What if we caught you red-handed giving out of items for no justified reason(s)?:
First of all, why would i give anyone items? I never have, even when I'm a normal player, I've never given a single item to anyone. But, on the other hand, if I have gave an item to a player, you have the rights to judge me or even take away my powers. If I have a reason for giving away an item, such as trading it for Leaves, or a Prize for an event, or even a permission from another GM, or yours truly (arnold), I would get my witnesses and prove it.

What is the reason,why you want to become on this server and not others?:
I wish to become a GM coder on this server, because I really enjoy the people who plays in this server. Doesn't matter if Drama happens, Doesn't matter if hatred even comes around... Everyone goes back to normal the next day. I really like that, Also I haven't applied for GM on any other servers except being an owner of my own named Cloud Story v62. Sadly enough after it crashed, someone took the name and made it their own. Even, if sometimes the community sucks here, and there... Nothing is gonna stop them(us) to change it and make it a better one. That is why I wish to become a GM on your server... I already have Arnold's email... That way I can contact you whenever your online and report what's going on. It's nice to have friends here, unlike other servers who don't really even care.
What views do you have towards the job of GM?:
I see the views of a GM as a very strict job... This is because not only can we not give out items to other players but to me,(as a must) Helping other players if any questions/problems are asked. GM's are like staffs of a business company. We work, and we get rewarded for what we have done right. I respect the job of a GM for taking care of the server correctly... But sometimes things can get in hands which isn't so good.

GM Experience:
I have been an Owner of my server called Cloud Story v62 and mentioned before. I had to deal with a lot of complaints, annoyance, and all the things Arnold is dealing right now. I am sorry to treat you like that Arnold, and wish to make it up for it... I really wish to help you in any Ideas/Plans that might take place; soon or in the future.
How active are you in Game?:
Like I mentioned quite a few times; I am a 24/7 player but since I got my bass guitar a few weeks ago, I may be practicing 5hours a day or soo... Soo 19/7? Well anyways I am very active on the Game so with the Forums.
How long have you been with InspiredMS?:
I have been playing Inspired almost a month now.. (and yes time goes really quickly... ITS ALMOST A MONTH!!!)

Last Words:
It doesn't matter if I'm not chosen as a GM and wish everyone who applied a good luck and hope to see you in the game. I will still vote for this server and think of it as the best game I've ever played even from experiencing bad dramas and stuff. You guys can hate me, but I LOVE YOU ALL(no homo). Thank you for the support and understanding, and once again... I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!
Strongly Recommended!
1. Get To Know The Community....
2. Be Here For At Least A Week.
almost a month
3. Have At Least 5 Decent Posts On The Forum.
I have on the older one....
4. If 1 Person Does Not Recommend You Then Your Denied. No problem with that, its my fault no fault is given.
5. Be Nice To The Community.
I don't think I have been lately (i'm sorry)
6. Don't Beg GM's For Stuff.
I haven't lately...
7. Good Grammar.
Yes, I have a good grammar.
8. Don't be a suck up.
I've been a suck up lately, and I hope you understand what's been going on to me, so once again... I'M sorry...

Last edited by Jin on Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:48 am; edited 1 time in total

2Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:19 am



Well Jin, from my point of view, you are a good coder. But from what happened, and I know your sorry, but I don't think making you GM is a wise choice right now, seeing as you have this "devil" that comes out randomly. And since you have no control over it, more drama would continue sadly. Nice App but most of it was apologizing more than elaborating. I guess you blended two of them together. Your right I don't trust you still, so if I was GM, my vote would be no...

P.S. I think you should've showed your trustworthiness to us for awhile now, instead of making an Application the day after the Hop3 drama. <<-- Just my opinion. Neutral

3Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:22 am



100% agreed =)

4Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:24 am



even if i'm not gm, would u vote me as a coder itself?

5Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:09 am



Well, you do have a little bit of grammatical errors in your application. You may have the talents of a coder, but the one thing more important than that is attitude, you have to have a good one, and you have to put up with bad attitude as a GM. And, yes I think instead of waiting to become a Gm, you should report any hackers right away, we need to keep this server safe from hackers that can easily DC us. Also, the reasons why you would like to become a GM? You need more reasons and you need to elaborate a lot more on those reasons.
Instead of ignoring drama, we need to stop it, not let it spread like a wildfire. Your application to me was overall okay, but you need to really feel passion for this and everything that comes with it, you also have been saying sorry a lot lately, but saying it until you ran out of air wouldn't help that much, you have to give us proof that you are willing to give your soul for this server and not lash out every time someone does something offensive. You also need to be truthful and not lie or snitch on other people.

6Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:46 am



As u read up above, I have mentioned about this "devil," So I very much apologize that, and I specifically warned you... Also in Ariel's point of view: she mentioned that i combined my apology + application together... So, even if this application doesn't look elaborated or I put my soul into it(which I did), I'm not agreeing your statement. But thanks for the reply anyways... Besides I have been reporting hackers when "Allen" was a gm, or to Caitlin... Another thing, I don't lash out every time someone does something offensive.... I only "lash out" when it's serious, and it isn't partially my fault, but i get the blame for. If you haven't noticed, that I specifically put "stop drama" and not ignore it... So I don't fully agree with your post. But again thanks for replying...

7Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:51 am



Okay, since I see that you are doing everything I mentioned in my reply, that's good.

8Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:57 am



Thank you, that's what I wanted to hear =)

9Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:55 am



Make a Application right after the Hop3 stuff? :]

Lol :]

10Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:58 pm



ya, why not take a risk, it's not like it's going to kill me.

11Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:30 pm



if u were a good coder before then i think u shuld be 1 again. i dont no if gm tho.

12Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:23 pm



idc about gm, all im asking for is the coder job... it was like heaven to me (exaggerating O_o)... I really enjoyed it =).. Aslong I don't ask too much, and Arnold keeps his deal, I'm good =)

13Jin's 100 sorrows app... Empty Re: Jin's 100 sorrows app... Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:03 pm



then u should be a coder if u are decent, good luck

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