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A Joke (not racist)

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1A Joke (not racist) Empty A Joke (not racist) Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:15 pm



A lot of people may have heard this one but idc if u say "I heard that like a billion times."

So there was a nun and a priest that went golfing, it was the priest's turn to play. He started playing, and he missed. He said "DAMN!I missed!" The nun said "Father do not cuss". The priest said he was sorry and continued playing golf. Once again, he missed and he said "Goddamit I missed!" The nun said,"Father, do not cuss, do not use the lord's name in vain." The priest said he was sorry and continued. He yet again missed and said,"DAMN IT I MISSED!" The nun said, Father if u cuss one more time, God will strike lightning upon u! He said sorry and continued playing. He missed, and said "GODDAMIT I MISSED" Then lightning fell from the sky and struck the nun, and from above the heavens, a voice was heard,"Damn, I missed"

Yah, I know I suck at telling jokes.

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