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aster21's gm app

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1aster21's gm app Empty aster21's gm app Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:14 am


Name:Jimmy Le

Talk about yourself, Any special skills or stuff you could do for the server or outside of your real life?:When it comes to maplestory i have been playing private server since it first started.I have owned my own private server called darkwingsms which i turn on depending on the time and date.I have been a successful GM on more than 10 private servers(can be named if told to).I am also skilled at script editing which helps me to either add or remove needed thing on a script document.In life I'm just an average 14 year old boy who is about to start high school.I'm not like other shut downs who always play online because i have a life xD.

How are you and staff members are going to work together and improve the server?:
I would work together with everyone and:
-recruit new members(if told to)
-add more custom things to the server
-provide an ideal and friendly gaming enviroment in which players would be happy

What if we caught you red-handed giving out of items for no justified reason(s)?:
if i were caught red handed then i would give up my position as GM but continue playing and having fun with the new and old players.

What is the reason,why you want to become on this server and not others?:
i want to be a GM on this server because i see that this server has potential to greatness because we already have some loyal players and nice GMs & Admins.

What views do you have towards the job of GM?:
I believe that the position of GM shouldn't be taken lightly and that it is a position that creates happiness or sadness depending on the person that is a GM.

GM Experience:
I have been a GM on more than 10 servers and as i have stated before, i will name out the server by request.

How active are you in Game?:
I would play for at least 5-8 hours per day but not continuously.

How long have you been with InspiredMS?:
I have played for a whole day

Last Words:
I hope that you choose me to be a GM beacause i am a fun and energetic person who would do anything when it comes to bringing happiness to others Smile

2aster21's gm app Empty Re: aster21's gm app Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:50 am



Good luck Smile

3aster21's gm app Empty Re: aster21's gm app Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:33 pm



Okay well, you need to elaborate on alot of the questions asked. And also, please read requirements! Overall your a nice guy but then again I've only met you for couple hours lol... So please take time into your GM app and follow the new format. Why the rush? tongue

Strongly Recommended!
1. Get To Know The Community.
2. Be Here For At Least A Week.
3. Have At Least 5 Decent Posts On The Forum.
4. If 1 Person Does Not Recommend You Then Your Denied.
5. Be Nice To The Community.
6. Don't Beg GM's For Stuff.
7. Good Grammar.
8. No Being A Suck Up.

4aster21's gm app Empty Re: aster21's gm app Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:45 pm


lol yeah but the truth is taht i dont really expect to be a gm on this server cause im pretty noobish and i dont really mind waiting either xD

5aster21's gm app Empty Re: aster21's gm app Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:49 pm


but oh well thanks for your opinions they may help me in the furute Smile

6aster21's gm app Empty Re: aster21's gm app Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:41 pm



This application seems like you didn't even spend time on it. One sentence answers? Elaborate on them. Also allow yourself to meet certain recommendation rules before applying

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