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1Onichi Empty Onichi Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:20 am


So, Things you should know.

Name: Jacob (Rayne) Willis
Sex: Not as often as I would like(I'm a Dude)
Age: 14
Birthday: January, 5, 1996
Ign: Onichi
Race: I'm from America, My father is half german\half irish. My mother is cherokee\irish.

Bio: I am A huge gamer, though I am also a pirate(not that kind of pirate), I am to poor to pay for games\music\movies. I have played games since 4, I like all kinds of games.
Examples in no order.
Quake 3
Cod 4
Cod 2
Dead Space
Doom 3
Dark Sector
Fallout 3
X-men: Wolverines

Personallity: I'm bland, bored easily, and sleep alot( like 16 hours aday. Well, I dont sleep alot if I am playing games\reading. I'm not fast to anger, I hate drama, I avoid my parents. I'm Lazy.
I was ADHD when I was young, grew out of it( at least the crazy part of it ), and I might be ocd(look at this thread...)

Things for fun:Ehh, use your head for the first few,[makes you feel good :-)], Games, Hunting, Brothers(he is 20), Fishing, Reading(not so much), Sports(football, boxing)

Skills: I have no skills though I do have an IQ ranging from 130-151(Depending on mood)(<-Yes I know that makes as much sence as a square egg). I'm a fast learner, I forget things that have no importance, I do above average in school, though dont have the motiavation to do my work in school, I get by on tests and quizzes. My grammar is ok, spelling is not so much.
I can type fast, and am always up to learn new things.
I can build a bomb... and I'm a pyro.

Music:Rock, Metal, Shock\Glam rock.
Examples:No Order
Four Year Strong
Papa Roach
Three Days Grace
Breaking Benjamin
Cage the Elephant
System of a Down
Rage Agianst the Machine
Destroyer 666
Marilyn Manson

Movies: No Order
Shutter Island
The Crazies(still have to watch it)
Pitch Black & The Chronicles of Riddick
Finding Nemo
Sherlock Holmes

Anime: No Order
Code Geass(the most epic of all anime, good for all)
Bleach(drags on, but is good.)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brother Hood( much better than 1st)
Death Note( ending is freaking gay, I didn't even watch the end)

Books: No Order
The Dresden Files
Harry Potter( Fuck these, I love the story, but its to unbelievable. Voldemort should not have died, and Love can kill him? MY ASS, end of rant)
Twilight(Dont even start, It was ok, but ehh(Alice is the best :-})

So I cant think of anything else except...

2 Dogs(Both Pit)
1 Cat( Only cat I will ever like, cool as hell)<- Pun intended.

So, Cya Later.

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