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For all of those who were here for me.

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1For all of those who were here for me. Empty For all of those who were here for me. Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:43 am


Hi,I'm probably an infamous person now since its been awhile and I lost contact with all of you but Its been about two years.

Alan man, You were a great friend, I know its a bit to late but we both fucked up/screwed up a cherishable friendship. We used to have so much fun together, make each other laugh stayed by my side when I need you the most. We were like brothers. Bro I'm sorry for what I've done and I hope you are doing well especially in your school activities. I was "blinded" for popularity rather than focusing on what I had that was right in front of my eyes. You will probably never forgive me but I will not forget what we've been through together. From PlaygroundMS to here. Once again I hope you are having a enjoyable life, and I dont know why im even on here and I probably doubt anyone will see this but enjoy your life man you deserve to your parents were great to raise such a fine young men.

And to the others, Mikey,Yuri,Caitlyn,Ayachan,Ariel,Nate,and all of the other people im missing out, I hope you guys have a great future.

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