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Hehe If you guys want to learn some C++ ill write some details while learning it myself

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//C++ starting a simple Command prompt that would say the following things.

#include < iostream > // The # is to tell the preprocessors to indicate for the compliers preprocessors. In this case. #include tells the preprocessor to include the iostream standard files. In mormal coding, put the iostream in those brackets without seperating.

using namespace std; // Namespace allows all the elements of the standard C++ libary to be declared. Std = Standard

int main () // This line corresponds to the beginning of the definition of the main function. The main function is the point by where all C++ programs start their execution, independently of its location within the source code. It does not matter whether there are other functions with other names defined before or after it - the instructions contained within this function's definition will always be the first ones to be executed in any C++ program. For that same reason, it is essential that all C++ programs have a main function.
{ // starts the function

cout<<"Hello Arnold this is your C++ first lesson, lets hope we get this. Okay!"; // Starts a line saying the stuff in the brack. Adding another line is fine.

return 0 ; // This Causes the main function to finsh. Return may be followed by a return code. A return code of 0 for the main function is generally interpreted as the progam worked as expected without any errors during its execustion.

} // closes the function

If you guys like this tell me ill add more just for you Smile



-suddenly dizzy- Arnold, I would try to learn, but I don't think it would fit into my brain.




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