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Hop3's gm application(Arnold confirmed that you were Jin) Don't lie!

7 posters

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Name: Hello, My name is Ray Yoon.
IGN: MY in-game name is Hop3
Email: My email is
Age:I am 14, turning 15 on July 8th. =)
Timezone: I have a GMT -5 timezone or DST.

Talk about yourself, Any special skills or stuff you could do for the server or outside of your real life?:
I am Ray, as I mentioned it before... In all the games I've played my skill was coding npc's, or even editing the characters a bit. So maybe I can code for your server? In real life, I'm a pro golfer (won 4metals). I play the bass guitar with my brother; sort of like a band, I guess? I draw as well! Well, drawing was my major ever since I was born; got the blood from my dad (he's a famous artist in Korea). I'm a fun, loving guy, but as you've seen me around the game... I don't really enjoy perverted topics... I don't like to be a suck up, and beg people to do something for me... That is just real noobie to do in a game. I am seriously, "do it by urself/earn it yourself." I only become a person like that, when I truly need help. (I know, I know.. I'm being a noob...)

How are you and staff members are going to work together and improve the server?:
Well, I've helped a lot of staffs in other games such as WoW, Starcraft, KartRider, (I know, I know.. Asian games... LMFAO), if I can get a long with those people, than might as well get a long with the staffs playing this server. For the first 6days, I'm pretty impressed of the Staffs... (Not including Jin O_o, which is not a staff...) I might actually get to work around with you guys, with new ideas of events/ npcs/ rewards/ editing and all kinds of stuff! I have no problem if one of the Staff gets all angry at me, I just walk away O_o or learn from what the Staff just yelled at me for.
What if we caught you red-handed giving out of items for no justified reason(s)?:
If you caught me red handed giving away items, I have no problem of losing my job as a GM.. I mean seriously, why would anyone do that type of things, except giving it as a reward or a trade for your soo called "golden maple leaves?" It's the duty of a GM to not give anything away, unless permitted to. If I was caught red handed, and I had a reason for it? I would get my witnesses telling the truth of me giving away items as a reward or it was a trade. I don't just randomly give away items... not even if I'm a normal player...

What is the reason,why you want to become on this server and not others?:
Well, to tell you the truth. This is my first GM application and the first server O_o. Funny thing is, I'm enjoying this server and too lazy to look for others... except for the perverted topics but ya... I like this server. First time I logged on, went to FM, I'm just like WOW!!!!! NEVER SEEN A FM LIKE THIS!!!!! It was quite confusing at first of where I was going but, I got all used to it.
What views do you have towards the job of GM?:
The job of a GM is to serve the server the right way, and not end up upside down(broken). It is the duty to help other players in need, and not to mention it, but not to make them bored... I have a positive attitude towards the job of a GM, and nonetheless but to get a long and don't be a suck up, as I mentioned before toward the GM or beg for items.
GM Experience:
My GM experiences were in other games... not MapleStory... Sorry, but I'll mention them anyways:
WoW Pserver: I was a coder there, but something happened to the graphics...
KartRider Pserver: I was a customizer, but the server got over populated, gained more lags and so forth...
StarCraft Pserver: I was again a customizer, server still running, but I got bored of it.
How active are you in Game?:
Since, this game is really fun, but I have to practice my bass guitar more often now-a-days... 24/7 minus 3-5hours a day. That's still a lot of time for being active.
How long have you been with InspiredMS?:
I have been playing InspiredMs for 6days, and tomorrow will be my 7th soo hopefully that'll clear my "strongly Recommended..."
Last Words:
I made an application because Caitlin (inspired me) to give it a try, I guess. So If I am not chosen as a GM, I will still vote for this server, and enjoy this server like this never happened, but if a GM spot is open, I will again try my best to fix my application, and so forth.

Strongly Recommended!
1. Get To Know The Community. I am getting used to the Community
2. Be Here For At Least A Week. Going to be, by tomorrow
3. Have At Least 5 Decent Posts On The Forum. I'll try.
4. If 1 Person Does Not Recommend You Then Your Denied. Ok?
5. Be Nice To The Community. Am I nice to you guys? I don't know.
6. Don't Beg GM's For Stuff. I don't
7. Good Grammar. I have good grammer, always...
8. Don't be a suck up. I don't like suck ups O_o

Last edited by Jin on Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:42 pm; edited 1 time in total



Fail Jin



Hi Jin Smile



Uhm hi jin? You act like your someone else but your forum name is "Jin" and your email?? scratch I don't like liars. But overrall nice app. I can't trust you again though.



Jin?, who's jin? oh my email? lol its from a game char =P



Don't lie.



Remember that guy you asked yesterday if he was a GM? Jin... Sorta a coincedence that you both use the same names. And that I rarely see Jin on anymore. Its not just your email, your Forum Name is "Jin"... Until I get a really good explaination, I will not believe you. And if by some small chance you are someone else, I apologize.



Jin, we know who Allen is too. No need to lie now. We don't want to start drama again. Mikey Mouse is here to make peace



mikeypsftws wrote:Jin, we know who Allen is too. No need to lie now. We don't want to start drama again. Mikey Mouse is here to make peace

Start drama again?
You were only here for 1 fight.



Not only 1 fight. I just didn't want to get involved. You can even ask Nathan, Ariel, Cait, and Bri



Jin, dont lie like this
i thought you were better



mikeypsftws wrote:Not only 1 fight. I just didn't want to get involved. You can even ask Nathan, Ariel, Cait, and Bri

Okay 2 fights.

Ariel,Nathan and Bri weren't even here also.



Nate. Let's stop here.



First Dont rant on my forums, That's why I didn't add the cartogory for it. Supposly, If this is Jin, Then its very hard for you to get the spot.Secoundly, if this is a whole different person, your missing some things to be recommended. Once those things are down ill rate the apps.

Concluding this comment please if your going to cause drama leave. If the topic goes somewhere off topic im deleteing the post.

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