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GM Application : Pulse [:

2 posters

Should .:Pulse:. be a GM? (:

GM Application : Pulse [: Vote_lcap17%GM Application : Pulse [: Vote_rcap 17% [ 1 ]
GM Application : Pulse [: Vote_lcap83%GM Application : Pulse [: Vote_rcap 83% [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 6

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1GM Application : Pulse [: Empty GM Application : Pulse [: Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:06 pm


Name: Ryan

IGN: Pulse


Age: 16

Timezone: West Coast; Cali

Talk about yourself, Any special skills or stuff you could do for the server or outside of your real life?:

I can help bring people to the server this instant and make it popular if it already isnt i have freinds that have played private servers with me and i can bring them to this one to get more players and much more. I also have a skill with Adobe Photoshop CS2. I can make banners, headers, animations, etc. Smile

How are you and staff members are going to work together and improve the server?: We will listen to the peoples complaints, host daily events, show the newcomers around. I feel that I really can help this server.

What if we caught you red-handed giving out of items for no justified reason(s)?: You wouldn't. But, i would take my punishment and accept it.

What is the reason,why you want to become on this server and not others?:
I feel that I can host daily events, help to get a bigger community, and help the newcomers.

What views do you have towards the job of GM?: I think that GM is a responsibility that when people are in need, GMs are suppose to help them. GMs should encourage voting daily, and they should listen to the people, not just nod there head and say "Yeah, Yeah."

GM Experience: I have been a GM in two other servers, CakeStory, and StarMS. I also have a GM Handbook, I know all the GM Commands, and the Map IDs.

How active are you in Game?: Very active, this is not my only account

How long have you been with InspiredMS?:
Well, i joined about a week ago with a noob account, i went on vacation for about 4 days, and now i am back Smile

I hope you decide to promote me to a GM and have faith in me to take on this great job - Pulse cheers

2GM Application : Pulse [: Empty Re: GM Application : Pulse [: Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:38 pm



State all your IGNS. This could be a little more descriptive. Anyone can bring friends in. Just to say this once I didn't make this server for popularity. Try to meet the recommendation things.

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